Human activity and land management practices, in particular land use change, have resulted in the global loss of biodiversity. These types of disturbances affect the shape of macroecological patterns, and analyzing these patterns can provide insights into how ecosystems are affected by land use change. The Maximum Entropy Theory of Ecology (METE) simultaneously predicts many of these patterns using a set of ecological state variables: the number of species, the number of individuals, and the total metabolic rate. The theory's predictions have been shown to be successful across habitats and taxa in undisturbed natural ecosystems, although previous tests of METE in relation to disturbance have focused primarily on systems where the state variables are changing relatively quickly. Here, we assess predictions of METE applied to a different type of disturbance: land use change. We use METE to simultaneously predict the species abundance distribution (SAD), the metabolic rate distribution of individuals (MRDI), and the species--area relationship (SAR) and compare these predictions to arthropod data from 96 sites at Terceira Island in the Azores archipelago across four different land uses of increasing management intensity: 1. native forest, 2. exotic forest, 3. semi-natural pasture, and 4. intensive pasture. Across these patterns, we find that the forest habitats are the best fit by METE predictions, while the semi-natural pasture consistently provided the worst fit. The intensive pasture is intermediately well fit for the SAD and MRDI, and comparatively well fit for the SAR, though the residuals are not normally distributed. The direction of failure of the METE predictions at the pasture sites is likely due to the hyper-dominance of introduced spider species present there. We hypothesize that the particularly poor fit for the semi-natural pasture is due to the mix of arthropod communities out of equilibrium and the changing management practices throughout the year, leading to greater heterogeneity in composition and complex dynamics that violate METE's assumption of static state variables. The comparative better fit for the intensive pasture could then result from more homogeneous arthropod communities that are well adapted to intensive management, and thus whose state variables are less in flux.