This study was performed to investigate the long-term changes in water quality and benthic ecology around the Nakdong River Estuary. The effect of the estuarine barrage on the ecosystem was also evaluated. The water quality was interpreted using the field survey (2013 and 2014) and monitoring data (MOE, 1989~2013) and the macrobenthic-fauna was investigated through analysis of the field survey data (2014) and literatures review (1985~2013). The long-term variation of water quality of Nakdong River generally showed increased nutrient concentration with decreased discharge, while abrupt influence of the barrage construction was not observed. However, the nutrient and organic matter concentration inside the barrage distinctly was higher than the concentration outside the barrage because the mixing of fresh and seawater was limited by the barrage. Especially, in the period of low discharge during winter, the Chlorophyll-a concentration clearly increased more in the downstream inside the barrage, showing the barrage effect. In other words, stagnant effect caused by barrage construction had an effect on the water quality degradation in dry seasons. As for the benthic ecology inside barrage after barrage construction, molluscans and brackish-water crustaceans disappeared. Outside the barrage, benthic ecosystem has deteriorated and the small-sized organic indicative species like Prionospio membranacea, Pseudopolydora kempi, Sinocorophium sinensis became dominant due to several construction such as Myeong-Gi Bridge, Airport construction, industrial complex after the Nakdong barrage construction.