The formation of neutron stars (NSs), both from collapses of massive stars and mergers of compact objects, can be usually indicated by bright transients emitted from explosively-ejected material. In particular, if the newborn NSs can rotate at a millisecond period and have a sufficiently high magnetic field, then the spin-down of the NSs would provide a remarkable amount of energy to the emitting material. As a result, super-luminous supernovae could be produced in the massive stellar collapse cases, while some unusual fast evolving and luminous optical transients could arise from the cases of NS mergers and accretion-induced collapses of white dwarfs. In all cases, if the dipolar magnetic fields of the newborn NSs can be amplified to be as high as 10 15 G, a relativistic jet could be launched and then a gamma-ray burst can be produced as the jet successfully breaks out from the surrounding nearly-isotropic ejected material.
Neutron Stars and Transient PhenomenaFrom the pioneering work by Baade & Zwicky (1934), it has been widely considered that neutron stars (NSs) can be born from the core collapse of massive stars, accompanied by a luminous supernova emission. On the one hand, so far, thousands of NSs have been identified from our Galaxy through observations of pulsars, X-ray sources, etc. However, these Galactic NSs are generally older than a few thousand years. On the other hand, we can in principle explore newborn NSs by observing supernova emission and, meanwhile, thousands of supernovae have been detected from other galaxies beyond the Milky Way. Here, the problem is that the newborn NSs are always hid in a thick and dense supernova ejecta and usually have no impact on the supernova emission. The supernova emission is generally determined by the synthesization of nickels, the recombination of hydrogen and helium, and the interaction of the supernova ejecta with circum stellar medium (CSM). Therefore, in any case, our knowledge of NSs at their birth is actually very poor.Fortunately, this difficult situation might have being changed by the discovery of some unusual transient phenomena that are driven by the spin-down of a rapidly rotating and usually highly-magnetized NS. Such transient phenomena include super-luminous supernovae (SLSNe), gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), and mysterious fast evolving and luminous optical transients (FLTs). Therefore, it is definitely interesting and necessary to uncover how the newborn NSs can influence these transient emission and, simultaneously, to dig into the nature of these NSs by analyzing the transient observations.
Super-luminous SupernovaeSLSNe are an unusual type of supernovae about 10 − 100 times brighter than the normal ones (Gal-Yam et al. 2012). If the total radiated energy of a typical SLSN of 10 51 erg is provided by radioactive decays of 56 Ni as usual, then the mass of the nickels should be about several to several tens of solar masses, which is nearly impossible for normal supernova