Abundant TiO 2 -II, a high-pressure polymorph of titanium dioxide, was found in the gneiss fragments of impact-produced breccias from the Xiuyan crater. Rutile in the gneiss was severely fragmented and fine-grained clasts less than 2 m in size had been transformed to TiO 2 -II. Irregular thin layered TiO 2 -II is also observed in coarse-grained rutile fragments, where the TiO 2 -II layers distributes along fractures and cracks in rutile. About 30 percent of rutile in the gneiss had been transformed to TiO 2 -II. Fine grains of TiO 2 -II display light bluish grey to light yellow brown in plane-polarized reflected light. Crystallographic investigation shows that TiO 2 -II has an orthorhombic structure with space group Pbcn. The cell parameters are a=4.543(1) Å, b=5.491(9) Å and c=4.895(2) Å. Its empirical formula calculated on the basis of two oxygen atoms can be written as (Ti 0.985 Fe 0.008 Nb 0.006 -Si 0.003 Zr 0.001 ) 1.003 O 2 , or simply formula TiO 2 . According to the shock effects of quartz and feldspars, the peak shock pressure and post-shock temperature in the TiO 2 -II-bearing gneiss are estimated to be between 35 and 43 GPa and 300-900°C, respectively. The finding of TiO 2 -II in the shock-metamorphosed gneiss provides another mineral physics evidence for shock origin of the Xiuyan crater. Rutile, a titanium dioxide, is a common accessory mineral in various types of rocks. At high pressure, rutile can be transformed into high-pressure polymorphs of TiO 2 -II (-PbO 2 ), baddeleyite, orthorhombic I and cotunnite phases with increasing pressure [1]. High-pressure polymorphs of baddeleyite, orthorhombic-I and cotunnite-type TiO 2 reverse to TiO 2 -II on decompression. TiO 2 -II is the only highpressure polymorph that can be recovered experimentally at ambient conditions [2]. i - had been firstly synthesized by static compression experiment [3]. A number of static compression experiments succeed in the transition of rutile to TiO 2 -II at pressure range between 4 and 12 GPa and temperature between 400 and 1500°C [3][4][5][6][7]. Shock-loading experiments revealed that rutile transforms to i - at peak shock pressure from 20 to 100 GPa [8][9][10]. The formation of natural TiO 2 -II could be related to highpressure endogenic geological processes or bolide impact events. Occurrence of natural TiO 2 -II had been previously reported in ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks [11,12], mantle-derived rocks [13], terrestrial impact structures [14][15][16], and tektite [17]. However, the mineralogical features and the formation conditions of natural TiO 2 -II still needs to be further investigated because of the very limited material that had been found.The Xiuyan crater is a recently confirmed impact structure in China. The target rocks of the crater were shock-metamorphosed, from which impact-produced breccia, coesite, planar deformation features in quartz have been identified [18][19][20]. In this paper, we report the occurrence and mineralogical features of TiO 2 -IIin the impact-produced breccias