Shock-wave propagation through obstacles or internal ducts involves complex shock dynamics, shock-wave shear layer interactions and shock-wave boundary layer interactions arising from the associated diffraction phenomenon. This work addresses the applicability and effectiveness of the high-order numerical scheme for such complex viscous compressible flows. An explicit Discontinuous Spectral Element Method (DSEM) equipped with entropy-generation-based artificial viscosity method was used to solve compressible Navier–Stokes system of equations for this purpose. The shock-dynamics and viscous interactions associated with a planar moving shock-wave through a double-bend duct were resolved by two-dimensional numerical simulations. The shock-wave diffraction patterns, the large-scale structures of the shock-wave-turbulence interactions, agree very well with previous experimental findings. For shock-wave Mach number M s = 1.3466 and reference Reynolds number Re f = 10 6 , the predicted pressure signal at the exit section of the duct is in accordance with the literature. The attenuation in terms of overpressure for M s = 1.53 is found to be ≈0.51. Furthermore, the effect of reference Reynolds number is studied to address the importance of viscous interactions. The shock-shear layer and shock-boundary layer dynamics strongly depend on the Re f while the principal shock-wave patterns are generally independent of Re f .