This paper presents the results of an implicit large-eddy simulation of the transonic flow over a bump. The conditions are chosen such that the configuration reproduces actual turbomachinery flows: a shock wave develops as in a transonic passage and a fluctuating backpressure is imposed to mimic the perturbations coming from a downstream row. The aim of the study is to investigate the influence of the forced conditions on the flow field, with an emphasis on the harmonic component of the turbulent stresses in the recirculation region. Results indicate that all the flow features (shock motion, wall static pressure, separation and reattachment points) respond primarily to the forcing frequency. Phaseaveraging is employed to extract the coherent component of the flow. It is shown that the harmonic turbulent stresses are organized into different structures and are non-negligible with respect to the mean component.
KEYWORDSchannel flow, transonic, forced oscillation, turbulence NOMENCLATURE B l bump length [m] δ 0 reference boundary layer thickness [m] ∆ x , ∆ y , ∆ z grid resolution in the streamwise, wall-normal and spanwise direction [m] ν kinematic viscosity [m 2 /s] U ∞ freestream velocity [m/s] Abbreviations CFL Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy DNS Direct Numerical Simulation FFT Fast Fourier Transform (I)LES (Implicit) Large-Eddy Simulation PDF Probability Density Function (U)RANS (Unsteady) Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes WPSD Weighted Power Spectral Density Superscripts + wall unit ..