In this paper a procedure to design shock-free, transonic, slender bodies of revolution will be detailed. Using transonic small-disturbance theory, a boundary-value problem is developed describing flow around the body in the physical plane and then transformed into the hodograph plane. In the hodograph plane, spatial variables depend on velocity components, instead of the usual dependence of velocity components upon spatial variables in the physical plane. The transformed boundary-value problem is solved numerically using finite-difference approximations and iterative methods. Several shock-free bodies are computed, with differing values of the transonic similarity parameter, .ft" = (1-M£,)/<5 2 M£,, where M x is the flow Mach number and 8 is the body thickness. There are advantages to designing shock-free bodies in the hodograph plane. There is a very simple criterion for detecting when a shock-free flow has been computed in the hodograph: the jacobian of the mapping from physical plane to hodograph plane must be negative everywhere. A difficult Neumann-type boundary condition at the origin of the physical plane becomes a simpler Dirichlet boundary condition in the hodograph. In the physical plane, the body shape is represented by a source distribution of singularities along the origin and the exact locations of the subsonic and "The author can be reached by electronic mail at