Constraints are obtained on the stresses of a plastically compressed elastoplastic medium at which the occurrence of discontinuities of irreversible strains is possible. The loading surfaces are taken to be piecewise linear closed surfaces. Velocities of motion of irreversible-strain discontinuity surfaces are calculated.Introduction. Existence conditions and propagation mechanism of discontinuity surfaces of irreversible strains (dissipative shock waves) are necessary elements in the formulation of boundary-value problems of irreversible deformation dynamics and are a subject of continuous interest [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. In model relations it is difficult to use rough loading surfaces with irreversible changes in volumetric strains taken into account. Strain discontinuities that arise in this case are combined, and the conditions for their occurrence differ greatly depending on what points of the loading surface correspond to prestress. The present paper considers piecewise linear loading surfaces.1. Basic Relations of the Model. Let the strains admitted by an elastoplastic medium be small, i.e., let the strain tensor components e ij be given by the relations