The possibility of an anomalous effect of the component composition on disturbance propagation in boiling solutions has been established. A criterion defining the cases in which the monotonic behavior of binary systems with respect to concentration is disturbed during sound propagation in them has been derived.i. Fundamental Equations. The dynamics of bubbles in a liquid depends on the thermal conductivity and diffusion in the gaseous and the liquid phases and the inertia of the liquid as it moves around a bubble [1]. During the growth of vapor bubbles in superheated liquids, the inertia of the liquid hardly affects the process, which is determined only by the thermal conductivity and diffusion, which applies only to the liquid phase. This is connected with the fact that, in boiling liquids (in contrast to bubbles in cold liquids), equalization of the concentration of components and of the temperature occurs much faster within bubbles than in the liquid, and, therefore, the temperature and the concentrations of components within a bubble can be assumed to be uniform, always satisfying the equilibrium conditions, but changing in time. The theoretical basis for analyzing such a process is provided by Scriven's self-similar solution [2]. A survey of papers dealing with this problem is given in [i].Under shock action on a solution where bubbles exist already or may develop, the behavior of bubbles in the liquid depends on the thermal, diffusion, and also inertial factors. A suitable formulation was presented and developed in [3]. The propagation of small disturbances in single-component, liquid-vapor bubble systems has been investigated in several papers, which are discussed in survey [4]. We should like to mention papers [5, 6] from among those not considered in [4].We have investigated the propagation of acoustic disturbances in binary vapor-liquid bubble media.Assume there is a binary liquid mixture containing spherical vapor bubbles of equal radius. One-velocity flow is contemplated. Then, in order to take into account the interphase heat and mass exchange, we use theequations of thermal conductivity and binary diffusion, written with an allowance for spherical symmetry within and around a sample bubble, and also a system of boundary conditions for these equations [4].The system of macroscopic equations of phase mass conservation and of numerical concentration of bubbles for plane unidimensional motion in the linear approximation is given by The subscripts i = i, 2 pertain to the liquid and vapor parameters, Oi, Pi ~ , ~i, v, n, and a are the density averaged with respect to the mixture, the density averaged with respect to phase, the volumetric phase percentage, the velocity, the number of bubbles per unit volume of the mixture, and the bubble radius, respectively; J and j are the phase transition intensities, reduced to unit volume of the mixture and unit surface area of the interface, respectively. The parameters pertaining to the unperturbed state have the additional subscript 0.