Q. Ma et al. [1] recently reported a strong photocurrent associated with charge neutrality in graphene devices with non-uniform geometries, which they interpreted as an intrinsic photoresponse enhanced by the momentum non-relaxing nature of electron-electron collisions at charge neutrality. Here we argue that gradients in charge carrier density give rise to a photothermoelectric effect (PTE) which is strongly peaked around charge neutrality, i.e. at p-n junctions, and such p-n junctions naturally arise at the edges of graphene devices due to fringing capacitance. Using known parameters, the PTE effect in the presence of charge density gradients predicts the sign, spatial distribution, gate voltage dependence, and temperature dependence of the photoresponse in non-uniform graphene devices, including predicting the observed sign change of the signal away from charge neutrality, and the non-monotonic temperature dependence, neither of which is explained by the intrinsic photocurrents in graphene. We propose future experiments which may disentangle the contributions of PTE and intrinsic photocurrent in graphene devices.Q. Ma et al. [1] show that the PTE is zero in the case of uniform carrier density n in graphene. However, if n is non-uniform, a local PTE arises, proportional to the gradient in the local thermopower:. One known source of such non-uniformity is the variation in the local backgate capacitance to the graphene. The effect of geometry on capacitance is significant; for example, the capacitance per area for a 1 micron strip of graphene on 300 nm SiO 2 is ~40% larger than for a 10 micron strip of graphene[3] largely due to fringing capacitance at the strip edges. Fig. 1 models the non-uniform carrier density in a graphene device of geometry similar to Fig. 2 in [1]. As-fabricated graphene devices often have a uniform background carrier density -n D without application of a gate voltage, and require a finite backgate voltage V BG = V D = n D e/c g , where c g is the average capacitance per unit area and e the elementary charge, to tune to charge neutrality. Fig. 1 shows that at V BG = V D , the charge density is non-uniform in graphene, and a p-n junction exists near and roughly parallel to the graphene edge. Such a p-n junction will give rise to a local photocurrent due to PTE when illuminated by light, and this in turn drives a global current, independent of distance to the collecting electrodes, according to the Shockley-Ramo framework developed in [2]. Since the p-n junction closely follows the graphene edges (Fig. 1) the spatial dependence of the photocurrent is indistinguishable from the model in [1]. Other sources of non-uniform doping, such as chemical termination of edges, treatment of the oxide near the edge during plasma etching, or self-doping from edge states could also give rise to p-n junctions at graphene edges independent of the gating effect, but will not be discussed here.We now discuss the sign of the photocurrent. For the device in Fig. 2 of [1], R(V BG ) is shown, indicating V D is posi...