R6sum6: ZusammenfassungThe effect of placing terbutryne in different soil layers with reference to different depths of sowing of peas was studied by measuring plant top growth. Increasing the depth of sowing resulted in greater plant injury by the same layer of herbicidetreated soil. Exposing the upper part of the emerging epicotyl (nearest the soil surface) to soil treated with terbutryne was more injurious than exposing the lower part of the epicotyl (nearest the seed).Uptake of '''C-labelled prometryne and terbutryne by pea seedlings during emergence and early growth was measured according to different soil-zone treatments. The absorbed amount of each herbicide decreased in the order: root system, lower epicotyl, upper epicotyl. Translocation of the herbicides to the foliage was higher from the upper than from the lower part ofthe epicotyl. Shoot and root uptake and translocation of prometryne were higher than of terbutryne.EfTet sur le pois du placement dans le sol et de Vabsorption par la tige de la prometryne et de la terbutryne.