This chapter gives the internal and external factors affecting the mental and physical activities of aircrew personnel by examining a wide range of aspects, from aviation psychology to solar physics. The author mentions the cognitive effects, mental activities, nervous system, neurophysiology, and physical activities as internal factors while solar activity, geomagnetic storms, and meteorological effects as external factors. Firstly, the consequences of the design of an air traffic management system as system capacity and throughput, progress time and/or ongoing work, efficiency and cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and complexity to performance evaluation and optimization; secondly, the results of geomagnetic storms over 115 years of aircraft accidents for latitudes between ±10º ≤ φ ≤ ±90º in the northern and southern hemispheres of Earth, which is a very important space weather event and could be the main reason for most aircraft accidents are investigated on the mental and physical health conditions.