Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) with coronary artery endarterectomy (CE) is a necessary and effective alternative procedure for complete vascularization in diffuse and severe coronary artery disease. The mid- to long-term outcomes of CE remain highly controversial. The aim of this study is to compare the results of closed-technique CABG CE with those of other recently published articles.
In this prospective study, 6000 patients underwent standard coronary artery bypass grafting between August 2004 and August 2014. Approximately 3.2% of these patients, or a total of 193 patients, underwent CE as part of this surgery. A closed-technique was performed in all patients who underwent CE.
The perioperative myocardial infarction and postoperative morbidity of patients who underwent the closed-technique CE remained unchanged; however, the mortality rate of these patients compared with the open technique CE was lower than that reported in the current literature. In addition, the closed- technique is a highly advantageous technique. It is considered an overall safe procedure because the anastomosis time is short and minimal cross-clamp time when compared with the open technique CE.
The closed-technique CE should be considered an adequate, safe surgical procedure and a good alternative choice for complete revascularization in suitable patients. Furthermore, the closed-technique CE is a safe operation for the patient with excellent survival rates and graft patency rates. In a select group of patients, perioperative and postoperative mortality and morbidity are not high when the procedure is performed by an experienced team of OR.