Key pointsr Previous studies investigating the effects of somatosensory afferent inputs on cortical excitability and neural plasticity often used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of hand motor cortex (M1) as a model, but in this model it is difficult to separate out the relative contribution of cutaneous and muscle afferent input to each effect. r In the face, cutaneous and muscle afferents are segregated in the trigeminal and facial nerves, respectively. We studied their relative contribution to corticobulbar excitability and neural plasticity in the depressor anguli oris M1.r Stimulation of trigeminal afferents induced short-latency (SAI) but not long-latency (LAI) afferent inhibition of face M1, while facial nerve stimulation evoked LAI but not SAI. Plasticity induction was observed only after a paired associative stimulation protocol using the facial nerve.r Physiological differences in effects of cutaneous and muscle afferent inputs on face M1 excitability suggest they play separate functional roles in behaviour.
AbstractThe lack of conventional muscle spindles in face muscles raises the question of how sensory input from the face is used to control muscle activation. In 16 healthy volunteers, we probed sensorimotor interactions in face motor cortex (fM1) using short-afferent inhibition (SAI), long-afferent inhibition (LAI) and LTP-like plasticity following paired associative stimulation (PAS) in the depressor anguli oris muscle (DAO). Stimulation of low threshold afferents in the trigeminal nerve produced a clear SAI (P < 0.05) when the interval between trigeminal stimulation and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of fM1 was 15-30 ms. However, there was no evidence for LAI at longer intervals of 100-200 ms, nor was there any Giovanna Pilurzi (on the left) obtained her PhD in neurophysiology at the University of Sassari. She did her residency fellowship in Neurology at the University of Sassari. She works as neurologist at Fidenza Hospital, where she is mainly involved in the clinical neurophysiology lab. Her research activity was focused on the study of corticobulbar motor control and plasticity in healthy humans and cranial dystonia. Francesca Ginatempo (on the right) obtained her PhD in neuroscience at the University of Sassari. She is now a post-doc at University of Sassari. Since the beginning of her research activity she has investigated the voluntary and emotional control of facial muscles both in physiological conditions as well as in neurological patients G. Pilurzi and F. Ginatempo contributed equally to this work. effect of PAS. In contrast, facial nerve stimulation produced significant LAI (P < 0.05) as well as significant facilitation 10-30 minutes after PAS (P < 0.05). Given that the facial nerve is a pure motor nerve, we presume that the afferent fibres responsible were those activated by the evoked muscle twitch. The F-wave in DAO was unaffected during both LAI and SAI, consistent with their presumed cortical origin. We hypothesize that, in fM1, SAI is evoked by activity in low th...