Nitrite (NO 2 -) is an intermediate in a variety of soil N cycling processes. However, NO 2 -dynamics are often not included in studies that explore the N cycle in soil. Within the presented study, nitrite dynamics were investigated in a Nothofagus betuloides forest on an Andisol in southern Chile. We carried out a 15 N tracing study with six 15 N labeling treatments, including combinations of NO 3 -, NH 4 ? and NO 2 -. Gross N transformation rates were quantified with a 15 N tracing model in combination with a Markov chain Monte Carlo optimization routine. Our results indicate the occurrence of functional links between (1) NH 4? oxidation, the main process for NO 2 -production (nitritation), and NO 2 -reduction, and (2) oxidation of soil organic N, the dominant NO 3 -production process in this soil, and dissimilatory NO 3 -reduction to NH 4 ? (DNRA). The production of NH 4? via DNRA was approximately ten times higher than direct mineralization from recalcitrant soil organic matter. Moreover, the rate of DNRA was several magnitudes higher than the rate of other NO 3 -reducing processes, indicating that DNRA is able to outcompete denitrification, which is most likely not an important process in this ecosystem. These functional links are most likely adaptations of the microbial community to the prevailing pedoclimatic conditions of this Nothofagus ecosystem. Keywords Nothofagus betuloides Á 15 N tracing model Á Nitrite (NO 2 -) Á N retention Á Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) Á Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling Abbreviations Anammox Anaerobic ammonium oxidation DNRA Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium GWC Gravimetric water content