The A-dependence of the bond energy ∆B ΛΛ of the ΛΛ hypernuclear ground states is calculated in a three-body Λ + Λ + A Z model and in the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock approach. Various ΛΛ and Λ-nucleus or ΛN potentials are used and the sensitivity of ∆B ΛΛ to the interactions is discussed. It is shown that in medium and heavy ΛΛ hypernuclei, ∆B ΛΛ is a linear function of r −3 Λ , where r Λ is rms radius of the hyperon orbital. It looks unlikely that it will be possible to extract ΛΛ interaction from the double-Λ hypernuclear energies only, the additional information about the Λ-core interaction, in particular, on r Λ is needed. *