The acute effects of tear gases such as oleoresincapsicum and 2-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile are well known. Tear gases cause incapacitating inflammatory response in various tissues and organs including the lungs, eyes, nose, throat, skin and others. The final results on the pulmonary system are toxic pneumonitis, asthma aggravation, bronchitis, and rhinitis. Long term effects are irritant induced asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders. The best way to reduce the hazardous effects of these gases is not to use them at all.
Key words: Tear gases, respiratory effects, lung diseasesOleoresincapsicum ve 2-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile gibi göz yaşartan gazların akut etkileri iyi bilinmektedir. Göz yaşartan gazlar akciğerler, gözler, burun, boğaz, cildi içeren çeşitli doku ve organlarda güçsüz bırakan yangısal yanıta yol açmaktadırlar. Solunum sistemi üstündeki son sonuçlar toksik pnömonitis, astım alevlenmesi, bronşit ve rinittir. Uzun dönemli etkileri ise irritanla indüklenen astım, kronik obstrüktif solunumsal hastalıklardır. Bu gazların zararlı etkilerini azaltmanın en iyi yolu onları hiç kullanmamaktır.
AnAhtAr sözcüKler: Göz yaşartan gazlar, solunumsal etkiler, akciğer hastalıkları
IntrodUctIonThe Turkish Police Department reported that they mostly used Oleoresincapsicum (OC) and 2-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile (CS) as tear gases for controlling protest actions [1]. OC is an organic resin derived from the pepper plant and its toxicological effect is mainly dependent on the amount of capsiacinoids in it. The capsaicinoid content determines the "hotness" of the OC product, measured in Scoville units. OC for nonlethal weapon formulas can differ in potency from 16000 Scoville Heat Units (S.H.U) to1.5 million units, with a 5-10% solution generally recommended as an effective dose [2]. When used, OC causes incapacitating inflammatory response in various tissues and organs including the lungs, eyes, nose, throat, skin and others [3]. OC leads to wheezing, dry cough, shortness of breath, gasping, difficulty in breathing or speaking due to laryngospasm and rarely cyanosis, apnoea, and respiratory arrest in the respiratory system [4].Chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile is a white crystalline substance that is usually mixed with the other compounds in a grenade or canister for use. The preferable form for scattering populations is intended to be a smoke or fog of suspended particles. Being an extremely severe skin and mucous membrane irritant and lacrimator, even at minute doses, CS is found to be effective for controlling crowds [5]. Respiratory symptoms due to CS are nasal irritation, rhinorrhea, coughing and shortness of breath [6]. The effects of CS usually start after 20 to 60 seconds of exposure and resolve within 30 minutes [7]. Animal studies showed that the respiratory concentration of CS 25000 to 150000 mg/m 3 per minute would be lethal for 50% of healthy adults. When used outside, a CS grenade produces a cloud 6-9 meters in diameter, the highest CS concentration of 2000 to 5000 mg/m 3 is detected a...