Objective: This paper explains the working of the linear regression and Long Short-Term Memory model in predicting the value of a Bitcoin. Due to its raising popularity, Bitcoin has become like an investment and works on the Block chain technology which also gave raise to other crypto currency. This makes it very difficult to predict its value and hence with the help of Machine Learning Algorithm and Artificial Neural Network Model this predictor is tested. Methodology: In this study, we have used data sets for Bitcoin for testing and training the ML and AI model. With the help of python libraries, the data filtration process was done. Python has provided with a best feature for data analysis and visualization. After the understanding of the data, we trim the data and use the features or attributes best suited for the model. Implementation of the model is done and the result is recorded. Finding: It was discovered that the linear regression model's accuracy rate is very high when compared to other Machine Learning models from related works; it was found to be 99.87 percent accurate. The LSTM model, on the other hand, shows a mini error rate of 0.08 percent. This, in turn, demonstrates that the neural network model is more optimized than the machine learning model. Novelty: In this work, a small GUI has been created using the tkinter library that will allow the user to input the High, Low, and Open features values and then predict the next value for the coin. This paper compares the prediction outcomes of a machine learning model and an artificial neural network model. Because linear regression provided the highest accuracy compared to the other machine learning models, we used it to compare it to the LSTM model.