Objectives: To evaluate the effects of bite-raising with light-cured orthodontic band cement, a method commonly used in contemporary orthodontic treatment, on masticatory function, as assessed by objective and subjective methods. Materials and Methods: The objective evaluation of masticatory performance and subjective evaluation of masticatory ability were performed on 30 healthy volunteers (19 females and 11 males, 22.3 6 1.56 years) with a normal occlusion. Assessment was performed before and immediately after bite-raising. The bite-raising was done by adding light-cured orthodontic band cement (3 3 5 3 2-mm width 3 length 3 height) on the palatal cusps of the upper first molars. The masticatory performance index (MPI) was calculated from chewed test food particles using a sieving method. For the subjective evaluation, the participants performed the food intake ability (FIA) test using a questionnaire with six types of food. The correlation between the evaluation methods was determined. Results: The MPI and FIA scores of the participants were significantly reduced after bite-raising (P , .001). The MPI and FIA score reduction was not significantly different between females and males. No significant correlations were found between the changes in MPI and FIA scores. Conclusions: Masticatory function after bite-raising with light-cured orthodontic band cement was immediately reduced, both objectively and subjectively. However, because there was no significant correlation between the objective and subjective results, an individual may not perceive his/her decreased masticatory ability to the same degree as masticatory performance was reduced. Further study is required to evaluate the long-term adaptation to this bite-raising method. (Angle Orthod. 2020;90:263-268.) a MPI indicate masticatory performance index; FIA, food intake ability; and CI, confidence interval. P-value from comparison between mean difference in females and males (independent t-test for MPI, Mann-Whitney U-test for total, hard food, and soft food FIA score).