Abstract. A survey of airborne radioactive isotopes (137Cs,
238Pu, 239+240Pu, 241Am, and 210Pb) and trace metals (Pb,
Cu, Zn, Cd, Fe, Al) in tundra soils and cryoconite hole material sampled
from several locations in the Kaffiøyra region of Spitsbergen revealed
significant variability in spatial concentration. Lithogenic radionuclides
(230Th, 232Th, 234U, 238U) show less variability than
the airborne radionuclides because their activity concentrations are
controlled by mixing of local material derived from different types of
bedrock. Activity ratios of the artificial radionuclides in most cryoconite samples
differ from global fallout signatures. The contribution of radionuclides
from additional and more specific sources might be enhanced by
non-continuous exposure of cryoconite to atmospheric deposition. We assumed
that the main source of Pu, which was detected only in cryoconite samples,
is derived from nuclear tests and non-exploded weapons-grade material.
Approximately one-third of the total observed Pu activity concentration is
238Pu, most likely originating from the SNAP9A satellite re-entry,
which was powered by a 238Pu thermoelectric generator. In samples from
Waldemarbreen the influence of glacial local morphology on the capability of
cryoconite for trapping and accumulating airborne radionuclides is apparent.
Local glacial morphology plays an important role in determining the
accumulation of airborne pollutants. Trace metal concentrations in soils
were typical or slightly higher than concentrations characteristic for the
natural background; the 206Pb∕207Pb signature was also close to
the natural ratio of the parent rocks. Conversely, trace metal
concentrations in cryoconite samples (Pb and Cd) were higher than in soil
samples and exceeded natural values. Cryoconite is an effective monitor of
the spread of artificial radionuclides and heavy metals in their surrounding