“…These include drug therapy (oxybutinin) [Wein, 19911, special bladder training [Frewen, 19801, biofeedback therapy [Cardozo et al, 1978;Millard and Oldenburg, 19831, transvesical phenol injection [Cameron-Strange and Millard, 19881, bladder distension [Hamed et al, 19891, and acupuncture [Philip et al, 19881. Electrical stimulation (ES) of the lower urinary tract has been recognised as an effective method for treating unstable bladder [Plevnik and Janei, 1979;TrSinar et al, 1986;Fossberg, 19881. One of the available ES modalities, maximal electrical stimulation (MES), is a non implantable short-term stimulation of the pelvic floor and has been used at the Department of Urology, University Medical Centre, Ljubljana, for 20 years.…”