Many years scientist try to explore the connection between air pollution and its influence on human health and after numerous conducted researches they came up with the clear evidence that air pollution has a significant impact on overall health and especially on stroke. In the Global Burden of Disease Study, it has emerged as a significant contributor to the global stroke burden, especially in low-and middle-income countries. Furthermore, these and some other researches have suggested a closer link between air pollution and ischemic stroke, due to huge diversity of the results of numerous other studies, for drawing definitive conclusions, further research is still needed. Due to the complexity of stroke with its types and subtypes, the results of their reaction to air pollution differ. Some studies have shown the link between cardioembolic stroke and AP, others with SAH but not with intracerebral haemorrhage. There was a suggestion that nitrogen dioxide exposure might be associated with stroke caused by small vessel disease, while other studies are not reporting any association of AP and the risk of ischemic stroke. In some studies, AP was more affecting young adults and in some, it was more pronounced in women. Some studies reported a more clear link between AP and recent stroke in patients with other risk factors like diabetes and previous stroke. Studies have varied by the concentration and types of pollutants studied, which vary geographically, as well as by duration to AP exposure being short-or long-term, and in some studies being present only during warm seasons.Regulations have improved air quality in many countries in Europe and the United States, resulting in greater life expectancy, which highlights the continued importance of further efforts in that direction.
Sažetak: Zagađenje Zraka: novootkriveni faktor riZika u raZvoju moždanog udaraVeć nekoliko godina znanstvenici pokušavaju istražiti povezanost zagađenja zraka i njegovog utjecaja na zdravlje ljudi, a nakon brojnih provedenih istraživanja došli su do jasnih dokaza da zagađenje zraka ima značajan utjecaj na cjelokupno zdravlje, s posebnim naglaskom na ravoj moždanog udara. U "Global Bourden of Disease" (szo)pokazalo se da zagađeni zrak značajno doprinosi globalnom opterećenju od moždanog udara, posebno u zemljama s niskim i srednjim dohotkom. Nadalje, ova i neka druga istraživanja sugeriraju blisku povezanost zagađenja zraka i ishemijskim moždanim udarom, dok zbog raznolikosti rezultata brojnih drugih studija, za donošenje konačnih zaključaka, potrebna su još daljnja istraživanja. Zbog složenosti moždanog udara s njegovim tipovima i podvrstama, rezultati njihove reakcije na onečišćenje zraka razlikuju se. Neke studije pokazuju vezu između kardioemboličkog moždanog udara i zagađenog zraka, druge sa subarahnoidalnim krvarenjem, ali ne i intracerebralnog krvarenjem. Bilo je nagovještaja i da je izlaganje dušičnom dioksidu povezano s moždanim udarom uzrokovanim bolešću malih žila, dok druge studije ne opisuju tu povezanost sa rizikom od ishemijskog m...