The spined cube SQn is a variant of the hypercube Qn, introduced by Zhou et al. in [Information Processing Letters 111 (2011) 561-567] as an interconnection network for parallel computing. A graph Γ is an m-Cayley graph if its automorphism group Aut(Γ) has a semiregular subgroup acting on the vertex set with m orbits, and is a Caley graph if it is a 1-Cayley graph. It is well-known that Qn is a Cayley graph of an elementary abelian 2-group Z n 2 of order 2 n . In this paper, we prove that SQn is a 4-Cayley graph of Z n−2 2 when n ≥ 6, and is a ⌊n/2⌋-Cayley graph when n ≤ 5. This symmetric property shows that an n-dimensional spined cube with n ≥ 6 can be decomposed to eight vertex-disjoint (n − 3)-dimensional hypercubes, and as an application, it is proved that there exist two edge-disjoint Hamiltonian cycles in SQn when n ≥ 4. Moreover, we determine the vertex-transitivity of SQn, and prove that SQn is not vertex-transitive unless n ≤ 3.