Using the random matrix approach, we calculate analytically the average shot-noise power in a chaotic cavity at an arbitrary number of propagating modes (channels) in each of the two attached leads. A simple relationship between this quantity, the average conductance and the conductance variance is found. The dependence of the Fano factor on the channel number is considered in detail. 73.50.Td, 05.45.Mt, 73.63.Kv The time dependent fluctuations in electrical currents caused by random transport of the electron charge e, which (unlike thermal fluctuations) persist down to zero temperature, are known as shot noise. In mesoscopic systems, an adequate description of this phenomenon is achieved in the scattering theory framework.1,2 In particular, for the two-terminal setup (with a small voltage difference V ) it is well-known that the zero-frequency shot-noise spectral power is given by 3,4,5where T p are n = min(N 1 , N 2 ) transmission eigenvalues of a conductor, G 0 is the conductance quantum, and N 1,2 denotes the number of scattering channels in each of the two leads. T p are mutually correlated random numbers between 0 and 1 whose distribution depends on the type of the conductor. In the case of chaotic cavities considered below, universal fluctuations of T p are believed to be provided by the random matrix theory (RMT).6,7 The latter is characterized by the symmetry index β, distinguishing between universality classes of systems according to the absence (β = 2, unitary ensemble) or presence (β = 1, orthogonal ensemble) of timereversal symmetry and spin-flip symmetry (β = 4, symplectic ensemble). Various RMT related aspects of the shot noise are under active study now, both theoretically 8,9,10,11,12,13,14 and experimentally 15,16 (see also the references in these papers). However, exact results for the average shot-noise power P were reported in the literature only in the limiting cases of N 1,2 ≫ 1 2,17 (which is the purely classical one) 8,18 or19 the experimentally relevant case of few channels being an open problem.An alternative consideration was undertaken very recently by Braun et al.,20 who developed the semiclassical trajectory approach to build up the 1/N expansion for P , extending earlier results 21,22 to all orders of the inverse total number of channels, N = N 1 + N 2 (see also Ref. 23). They were able (for β = 1, 2) to sum up the resulting series in a compact form, which we represent introducing β as follows:. (2) This result surprisingly turned out to remain valid down to N 1,2 = 1, as was checked by comparison to numerics.Our aim here is to provide the exact RMT derivation of Eq. (2) valid at arbitrary N 1,2 and all β. There are several ways to perform the calculation. First, T p are defined as the singular values of a transmission matrix t (which is a N 1 ×N 2 off-diagonal block of a N ×N unitary scattering matrix).5 Finding P = P 0 tr [tt † (1 − tt † )] amounts thus to an integration over the unitary group which is a quite complicated problem in general. 24 Second, one can think of (1) a...