We show how to describe the diffusion of the quantized angular momentum vector of an arbitrarily shaped rigid rotor as induced by its collisional interaction with an environment. We present the general form of the Lindblad-type master equation and relate it to the orientational decoherence of an asymmetric nanoparticle in the limit of small anisotropies. The corresponding diffusion coefficients are derived for gas particles scattering off large molecules and for ambient photons scattering off dielectric particles, using the elastic scattering amplitudes.The first term accounts for the free dynamics, the second part describes the effect of the environment. It follows from equation (2), similar to the derivation of the Fokker-Planck equation [27, 29], thatNote that the use of canonical momenta instead of J would render the free evolution in (4) phase space volume preserving, but it would complicate considerably the diffusive part (5).In order to observe that equation (5) indeed describes angular momentum diffusion, we note that the expectation value of J remains constant while its second moment increases linearly with time, J J J 0 and 2 D . 6 t t