The shot noise of the current through a single electron transistor, coupled capacitively with an electronic box, is calculated, using the master equation approach. We show that the noise may be sub-Poissonian or strongly super-Poissonian, depending mainly on the box parameters and the gate. The study also supports the idea that not negative differential conductance, but charge accumulation in the quantum dot, responds for the super-Poissonian noise observed.Deviations of the shot noise ͑SN͒ from the full ͑Poisso-nian͒ value in nanostructures have been the subject of a great number of works, both experimental 1-9 and theoretical. 2,10-16 Mathematically, the measure of these deviations is the Fano factor F n , defined as the ratio of the actual noise spectral density to the full SN value 2eI, where e is the elementary charge and I is the average current. Physically, it is widely accepted that the Pauli exclusion and the charge interaction are the two correlations, which cause observed SN deviations. While the Pauli exclusion always causes a suppression of SN, the charge correlation may suppress or enhance the noise, depending on the conduction regime. The typical nonPoissonian behaviors of SN can be found in resonant tunneling diodes ͑RTD͒, where the noise is partially suppressed ͑sub-Poissonian noise͒ at low bias voltages ͑preresonance͒ and becomes very large ͑super-Poissonian͒ in the negative differential conductance ͑NDC͒ region. 2,3,6,8,12 For Coulomb blockade quantum dot ͑QD͒ structures, a suppression of SN is widely demonstrated, both experimentally 1,4,9 and theoretically. 10,11,13,14 Recently, 16 we have shown that in a system of two metallic QDs, coupled in series, the SN is always sub-Poissonian even in NDC regions. However, in some particular QD structure, as that considered in Ref. 5, a positive correlation in the electronic motion through QDs, leading to a super-Poissonian noise, might be developed. In this paper we will show that even in a simple structure of a symmetrical single electron transistor ͑SET͒, coupled capacitively to an electronic box, as that measured in Ref. 17, the super-Poissonian noise can be easily realized even in a positive differential conductance ͑PDC͒ region. Furthermore, in consistency with Refs. 6 and 7, our study supports the idea that the charge accumulation, not NDC, is ultimately responsible for the super-Poissonian noise observed.The equivalent circuit diagram of the structure studied is drawn in Fig. 1͑a͒, where the left QD ͑D͒ forms a SET, while the right QD ͑B͒ acts as an electronic box. Two QDs are coupled to each other by a capacitance C m , but the electron tunneling between them is forbidden. The current through the SET depends not only on the bias voltage V and the gate voltage V g , but also on the charge state in the box. Such a SET-to-box coupling may produce a NDC as experimentally observed in Ref. 17. Within the framework of the Orthodox theory 18 the state ͉iϾ of the system under study is entirely determined by the numbers of excess electrons in two QDs, ...