Results: operative mortality was zero and there were no clinically significant bleeding complications. epidural analgesia was necessary for adequate pain control. small symp tomless residual pneumothoraxes and pleural effusions were common after the operation but neither required intervention. one patient had ah emothorax 7m onths postopera tively,which was cured with asingle puncture. bar displacement took place in 2patients but required correction in only one of these patients. there were 2wound infections, one superficial and one which led to removal of the bar was 6m onths after the operation. this may have been unnecessary.t wo patients had pneumonia, one probably unrelated to the operation. one patient required psychiatric ward treatment, and 3p atients had mild psychological symptoms not requiring specific therapy.t he preliminary cosmetic results were good or excellent in 90% of the cases, but alonger followup is needed for information on the final outcome.Conclusions: Mirpe is as afe operation and gives ac osmetically good result. thora coscopy is needed during the operation. the early postoperative period in hospital is painful and there the patients need intensive care. We found the high epidural analgesia beneficial and safe during early period of pain treatment. the bar is removed not earlier than 3years after the operation as aday care surgical procedure.