S Vancomycin
Renal impairment: case reportA 54-year-old woman developed renal impairment while receiving vancomycin.The woman, who was morbidly obese, presented with a rectus sheath haematoma, a temperature of 38°C, a serum creatinine level of 65 µmol/L and a CRP level of 200 mg/L. She was prescribed vancomycin 2g (15 mg/kg) twice daily for 7 days due to a history of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). When her temperature did not settle, vancomycin was continued for a total of 17 doses over 10 days, with three doses being omitted due to failure of IV access [route not clearly stated]. On days 9 and 10, serum creatinine concentration increased to greater than 50% over baseline.Vancomycin was withdrawn on day 10. Serum creatinine peaked on day 15, then slowly decreased. At last follow-up, creatinine levels had not returned to baseline.Author comment: "We believe the rise in serum creatinine is likely related to the high dose of vancomycin and the resulting renal impairment then reduced clearance resulting in the very high vancomycin concentrations that probably compounded the renal injury."Jones TE, et al. Should monitoring of vancomycin be delayed? A case of likely nephrotoxicity occasioned by morbid obesity and minimal monitoring. British