Today in our country, the follow-up of patients after arthroplasty is carried out in accordance with clinical guidelines, the wording of which is based on monographs from 2006, 2008, and 2014, in addition, clinical guidelines for follow-up do not take into account the results of treatment assessed by the patient himself. The recommendations for surveillance in the world literature are heterogeneous. Since 2022, fixed recommendations for follow-up after arthroplasty have been used in the clinical practice of our center in discharge epicrisis. Implementation of the recommendations is carried out with the help of the developed system of remote assessment of the results with the use of web questionnaires. Recommendations for the frequency of follow-up were formulated by experts based on a comprehensive review of the literature and their own experience. In the first three months, 221 hip and 235 knee evaluation questionnaires were collected through the proposed mechanism, with a progressive increase in the number of questionnaires based on weekly monitoring data. We described the mechanism of remote monitoring of patients after arthroplasty and presented the early results of using this system. Unfortunately, the outpatient clinic system is not always able to provide qualitative monitoring of patients after arthroplasty due to various reasons, therefore, in our opinion, the implementation of the mechanism of remote monitoring of patients will allow detecting various complications at the stage of early diagnosis, which will contribute to prompt solution of these problems. The remote monitoring system is also an important source of scientific data. The increase in quantity, as well as the analysis of the incoming information will create conditions for further improvement of the system of remote monitoring of patients after arthroplasty.