“…The behavior of word categories in Modern Greek is observed during the prosodic modelling of utterances recorded in a studio for the construction of the speech output produced by a Conversational Agent in a dialog system for consumer complaints (CitizenShield System, www.polias.gr), labelled "CSh System", and for a dialog-module of a speech-recognition in a system for Senior Citizens which activates and monitors house appliances and the general room environment (SOPRANO Project, www.soprano-ip.org), labelled "SPR System". The acceptable prosody to the target user-groups, constituting the general public in the CSh-System and senior citizens in the SPR Project, is modelled with the use of emphasis as prosodic marker, placed on the appropriate elements of the utterance for achieving user-friendliness in man-machine communication in the sense of "accuracy" and "directness" (Hausser 2006) as well as (B) a sense of control to the user for the CSh System (Alexandris 2007, Nottas et al 2007 and (C) familiarity for the SPR System as an additional feature, according to the SPR Project's User Requirements. The evaluation of the prosodic markers in the SPR Project was primarily based on Interaction Aspects used for testing the performance of the CSh's System, namely (1) the Utterance, (2) Functional and (3) Satisfaction Levels (Moeller 2005) and also due both to the complexity of the CSh's System (a) user-group, a remarkable subset of which constitutes senior citizens, according to the CSh's Project User Requirements (Work-Package 1) and the (b) relatively positive results of the evaluation of the systems prosodic modelling in the Evaluation Phase (Work-Package 7) (of a 50-Test Users Group, 60% Men and 40% Women, Average Age: 35 -45, 80%, evaluated the Interface as "Very natural-sounding", and 50% evaluated the System as "Seems to inspire very high credibility").…”