As the computational power of high performance computing (HPC) systems continues to increase by using a huge number of CPU cores or specialized processing units, extreme-scale applications are increasingly prone to faults. Consequently, the HPC community has proposed many contributions to design resilient HPC applications. These contributions may be system-oriented, theoretical or numerical. In this study we consider an actual fully-featured parallel sparse hybrid (direct/iterative) linear solver, MAPHYS, and we propose numerical remedies to design a resilient version of the solver. The solver being hybrid, we focus in this study on the iterative solution step, which is often the dominant step in practice. We furthermore assume that a separate mechanism ensures fault detection and that a system layer provides support for setting back the environment (processes, . . . ) in a running state. The present manuscript therefore focuses on (and only on) strategies for recovering lost data after the fault has been detected (a separate concern beyond the scope of this study), once the system is restored (another separate concern not studied here). The numerical remedies we propose are twofold. Whenever possible, we exploit the natural data redundancy between processes from the solver to perform exact recovery through clever copies over processes. Otherwise, data that has been lost and no longer available on any process is recovered through a so-called interpolation-restart mechanism. This mechanism is derived from [1] by carefully taking into account the properties of the target hybrid solver. These numerical remedies have been implemented in the MAPHYS parallel solver so that we can assess their efficiency on a large number of processing units (up to 12, 288 CPU cores) for solving large-scale real-life problems.