The state of drug situation is an important component of security enforcement of modern society. In this regard, narcotism, the effectiveness of the implementation of anti-drug policy by the state and public institutions are annually studied in various areas. In the article based on the study of statistical data on hospitalization of patients in the organizations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation with a diagnosis of «drug addiction», the amount of drugs and psychotropic substances seized by law enforcement agencies from illegal drug trafficking, as well as the level of drug crime, the drug situation in the Siberian Federal District is analyzed. Also, when assessing narcotism, the results of sociological research as an integral part of the annual monitoring of the drug situation were used. Special attention is paid to the consideration of the movement of drugs of the opium group, the state of opium addiction, determination of the most problematic federal subjects located within the district. An attempt to determine the most probable transit regions and the concentration of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances is made. Reasoning from the analysis carried out, attention is drawn to the high level of drug tension in the district, exceeding in some areas the corresponding indicators across the Russian Federation.