“…However, calcification is observed by Denisch and f,rartman (1956) Lauterstein (1961:164) found that there was rran intimate developmental relatÍonship between root age and bone agerr wíbh a rank order corelation as high as 0.437. InvestigaüÍng the relationship between booth formabion and other maturational factors, Lewis and Garn ( 1960) Nanda (1960) who found only a low eorrelat,ion between the age at conplete emergence of the permanent dentit,ion, the age at the maximun rate of the circumpubertal growth spurt in height in both sexes, and the age at menarche in gÍnls. Moorrees et al (1963) (Catlell, 1928;Hellman, 1943;Clements et al, 1953a;Hurne, 1948Hurne, , 1949 (Hurme, 1949; CLenents et al ", 1953a;Dahlberg and Menegaz-Bock, 1958;Caru, 1962 (Cattelt, 1928;Hellnan, 1943;Hurne, 1948Hurne, , 1949Adler, 1958;Magnusson, 1976).…”