Clean, efficient energy production, such as the gasification of coal (syngas), requires physical and chemical sensors for exhaust gas monitoring as well as real-time control of the combustion process. Following a description of syngas production from coal, we outline the sensing needs for this high temperature, chemically corrosive gas stream.The performance of devices based on the wide-bandgap semiconductor SiC, for monitoring gas composition, flame dynamics and temperature, as well as combustor structural integrity in this extreme environment are reviewed. We have developed a Pt-SiO 2 -SiC micro-device with a dense Pt catalytic sensing film, for fast (<1s) detection of hydrogen containing species at 630 °C. Our SiC sensor can monitor the hydrogen concentration in a 350 °C simulated syngas ambient containing the common interferants CO 2 , CH 4 and CO. Exposure to H 2 S (~1000 ppm) and water vapor does not degrade the sensor performance.