“…In LPS trials, we induced sickness behavior in subjects 99 by injecting them subcutaneously with lipopolysaccharide (LPS, L2630 Sigma-Aldrich, USA, dose: 5 100 mg/kg body mass of bat) in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) before the recording period. We chose this 101 dose based initially on observed effects in another bat species (Stockmaier et al, 2015), and on later 102 studies in vampire bats, which showed that this dose increases white blood cell count and neutrophil to 103 lymphocyte ratio (Stockmaier et al, 2018) and decreases in physical activity, social encounters, and social 104 grooming (Ripperger et al, 2020;Stockmaier et al, 2020Stockmaier et al, , 2018. In control trials, the same bats were 105 injected with an equivalent volume of only PBS as a control treatment.…”