ABSTRACT:In order to investigate side-chain dynamics of poly(y-benzyl L-glutamate) in the solid state, 2 H NMR spectra and spin-lattice relaxation-time T 1 of poly(y-[K-2 H 1]benzyl L-glutamate) and poly(y-[(-2 H 2]benzyl L-glutamate) were measured over a wide temperature range. Line shapes for both samples below room temperature showed static-like axially symmetric powder patterns whose quadrupolar splittings are slightly smaller than the rigid lattice values, and decreased gradually with temperature. This suggests the presence of a rapid, small-amplitude librational motions at both of K-and (-positions. T 1 analysis for such librational motion gave the correlation time of the order of 10-11 -10-12 s. The spectral intensity started to decrease gradually from 208 K with an increase in temperature, and a remarkable intensity loss was observed at around 323 K. With a further increase in temperature, the spectrum recovered its intensity, and the motional averaged singlet-like spectra were observed for both samples, indicating the presence of rapid, large amplitude motions for the side chains. The T 1 minimum was observed at 383 K. T1 and line shapes were fairly well simulated by use of the three-site jump model assuming a Gaussian and a Jog-Gaussian distributions for the angle between the C-2 H bond and the C3 axis and the jump rate, respectively. The average jump rates are located on the relaxation map reported for poly(y-benzyl L-glutamate). The motional mechanism at higher temperatures follows the WLF type.KEY WORDS Poly(y-benzyl L-glutamate) / Side Chain Dynamics / Solid State 2 H NMR / Spectral Simulation/ Spin-Lattice Relaxation Time/ Large Amplitude Motion / Librational Motion / Poly(y-benzyl L-glutamate) (PBLG), which takes an a:-helical conformation in the solid state, 1 • 2 has been studied by various techniques. It has been reported that the second moment of 1 H broadline NMR spectra for PBLG decreases rapidly at above room temperature. 3 -5 In the similar temperature region, a remarkable dielectric relaxation is observed and is well described by the WLF equation. 6 • 7 It is also known that the specific volume-temperature curve for PBLG shows a break point at 291 K. 8 These phenomena are caused by the side chains around helical cores which take pseudo hexagonal packing. That is, the side-chain region shows a glass-like transition in the vicinity of room temperature and undergo rapid motions while the backbone keeps an IX-helical conformation. Local internal motions along the side chain were recently investigated using nuclear magnetic relaxation measurements by CP/MAS 13 C NMR. 9 The temperature dependence of T1P for each carbon in the side chain showed a minimum at around 350 K indicating that there are motions whose rates are of the order of 50 kHz in the side chains and that the motional process mainly corresponds to cooperative motion of whole side chains. It was suggested that side chain 1213