The problem of global optimization is pivotal in a variety of scientific fields. Here, we present a robust stochastic search method that is able to find the global minimum for a given cost function, as well as, in most cases, any number of best solutions for very large combinatorial ''explosive'' systems. The algorithm iteratively eliminates variable values that contribute consistently to the highest end of a cost function's spectrum of values for the full system. Values that have not been eliminated are retained for a full, exhaustive search, allowing the creation of an ordered population of best solutions, which includes the global minimum. We demonstrate the ability of the algorithm to explore the conformational space of side chains in eight proteins, with 54 to 263 residues, to reproduce a population of their low energy conformations. The 1,000 lowest energy solutions are identical in the stochastic (with two different seed numbers) and full, exhaustive searches for six of eight proteins. The others retain the lowest 141 and 213 (of 1,000) conformations, depending on the seed number, and the maximal difference between stochastic and exhaustive is only about 0.15 Kcal͞mol. The energy gap between the lowest and highest of the 1,000 low-energy conformers in eight proteins is between 0.55 and 3.64 Kcal͞mol. This algorithm offers real opportunities for solving problems of high complexity in structural biology and in other fields of science and technology.M any problems in life sciences and in other fields of science and technology are of high complexity, thus requiring sophisticated methods of searching and scoring to achieve the ability to study and to simulate them by means of a computer simulation. An excellent search method coupled with a highly reliable scoring method should allow comparisons to some natural phenomena. In this article, we have taken the approach of comparing best populations found by a stochastic search method to a full, exhaustive search, as the crucial test of this method. However, comparisons to experimental results also are included. The problem chosen to exemplify this method is the positions of side chains in proteins, which is essential for both theoretical and experimental purposes. On the theoretical side, it is a subproblem in de novo protein structure prediction. It is essential for structure-based drug design (1), for inverse folding and threading algorithms (2), for predicting the effect of mutations on structure (3), for ab initio predictions of tertiary structure (4), for homology-based modeling (5), and others. From the x-ray crystallographer's point of view, it could speed the placement of side chains using the electron density maps of the main chain before refinement calculations. The main limitation is the large amount of possible conformations that each side chain may adopt (6). An exhaustive search of all possible conformations is beyond the scope of state of the art computers.Current strategies for side chain addition to a given backbone differ in three categories. The ...