SelectiveC ÀFa rylation of polyfluorophenols with aryl sulfoxides has been accomplished by means of a sigmatropic dearomatization/defluorination sequence. This sequence consistso ft hree processes:1 )interrupted Pummerer reactiont of orm SÀO-tethered sulfonium salt; 2) CÀC-forming [3,3] sigmatropic rearrangement with dearomatization;a nd 3) Zn-mediated defluorinative rearomatization. The present biaryl construction provides a facile access to polyfluorinatedb iaryls that is difficult to synthesize by other methods. The synthetic utility of the strategyi sc learly demonstratedb yt he synthesis of af luorinated analogue of Maxipost, ap otassium channel modulator.Scheme1.Sigmatropic dearomatization/defluorination sequence for selective CÀFt ransformations of polyfluorophenols. Scheme2.Substrate scope:[a] 5mmol scale;[ b] 0.10equiv of TFAwas used;[c] 3.0 equiv TFAA was used;and [d] 1.5 equivof1i and 1.0 equiv of 2e were used. Scheme3.Reactions with 2-fluorophenol and with 2,6-dichlorophenol. Scheme4.meta-Arylationof2 ,6-difluorophenol via 1,2-arylm igration from dearomatized intermediate. Scheme5.Synthesis of fluorinated analogue of Maxipost 7.