We demonstrate remote detection of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) with a microchip sensor consisting of a microfluidic channel and a microfabricated vapor cell (the heart of an atomic magnetometer). Detection occurs at zero magnetic field, which allows operation of the magnetometer in the spin-exchange relaxationfree (SERF) regime and increases the proximity of sensor and sample by eliminating the need for a solenoid to create a leading field. We achieve pulsed NMR linewidths of 26 Hz, limited, we believe, by the residence time and flow dispersion in the encoding region. In a fully optimized system, we estimate that for 1 s of integration, 7 ؋ 10 13 protons in a volume of 1 mm 3 , prepolarized in a 10-kG field, can be detected with a signal-to-noise ratio of Ϸ3. This level of sensitivity is competitive with that demonstrated by microcoils in 100-kG magnetic fields, without requiring superconducting magnets.microfluidics ͉ signal-to-noise ratio ͉ mass-limited sample R emote detection of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) (1), in which polarization, encoding or evolution, and detection are spatially separated, has recently attracted considerable attention in the context of magnetic resonance imaging (2), microfluidic flow profiling (3, 4), and spin-labeling (5). Detection can be performed with superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs), inductively at high field as in refs. 3-5 or with atomic magnetometers as in ref. 2. To most efficiently detect the flux from the nuclear sample, it is typically necessary to match the physical dimensions of the sensor and the sample. Thus, small, sensitive detectors of magnetic flux reduce the detection volume, thereby reducing the quantity of analyte. Microfabricated atomic magnetometers (6) with sensor dimensions on the order of 1 mm operating in the spin-exchange relaxation-free (SERF) regime (8) have recently demonstrated sensitivities of Ϸ0.7 nG/ ͌ Hz (7), with projected theoretical sensitivities several orders of magnitude higher. (In this article, we use Gaussian units; 1 nG ϭ 100 fT.)In this work, we demonstrate remote detection of pulsed and continuous-wave (CW) NMR with a compact sensor assembly consisting of an alkali vapor cell and microfluidic channel, fabricated with lithographic patterning and etching of silicon. We realize pulsed NMR linewidths of Ϸ26 Hz, limited, we believe, by residence time and flow dispersion in the encoding region. Estimates of the fundamental sensitivity limit for an optimized system, assuming a modest 10-kG prepolarizing field, indicate detection limits competitive with those demonstrated by microcoils in superconducting magnets (9-14). Hence, the technique described here offers a promising solution to NMR of mass-limited samples-for example, in the screening of new drugs-without requiring superconducting magnets.The atomic magnetometer operates in the SERF regime (achieved when the Larmor precession frequency is small compared with the spin exchange rate), currently the most sensitive technique in atomic magnetometry. Optical pum...