Insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-IIThe insulin-like growth factor (IGF) signaling system functions through interactions of the ligands IGF-I and IGF-II with a family of transmembrane receptors on the one side and through scavenging of IGFs by IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs) on the other side. IGFBPs bind IGFs with high affinity, thereby regulating the availability of IGFs for their receptors. 32,33,40 Among the IGFBPs, IGFBP-4 is the only one that displays solely growth inhibitory activities, in vitro and in vivo, 62,68 whereas, depending on the cell type and the conditions applied, other IGFBPs possess growth promoting activities as well. IGFBP-4 is expressed in a large range of cell types and tissues 37,47,49,54,56,60 including the colon 31,66 and several colorectal cancer cell lines. 15,24,30,38,43,50,67 IGFBP-4 has been shown to mediate its effects by the modulation of IGF-actions through endocrine, paracrine and autocrine mechanisms. 32,50,56 Although in several tissues including the colon IGFBP-4 inhibits cell proliferation primarily via an IGF-dependent mechanism 16,20,26,30,33,38,59 there is increasing evidence that IGFBPs exert IGF-independent activities as well. 20,39,50,65 In colorectal cancer cells, for example, it has been suggested that the antimitogenic effect of IGFBP-4 is based not only on binding the IGFs 50 but also on an early onset of differentiation in HT-29 cells. 15 To unravel the molecular targets that are affected by IGFBP-4 overexpression we used a transcriptomics approach combining subtracted cDNA libraries and cDNA array hybridization. The major advantage of this approach is the initial enrichment of differentially regulated transcripts by subtractive hybridization that reduces the number of cDNA clones that have to be analyzed by array hybridization. Subtracted cDNA libraries were constructed from untransfected LS1034 control cells and a mIGFBP-4 overexpressing clone. A total of 1,728 cDNA clones of these libraries were finally hybridized with cDNA from untransfected control cells, the mock-transfected control and 2 IGFBP-4 overexpressing clones.
Material and methods
Cell lines and culture conditionsThe LS1034 cell line was obtained from Dr. L. Suardet (ISREC, Epalinges, Switzerland) and was cultured in Dulbecco's MEM/ NUT Mix F-12 (HAM'S-F12) (Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany) supplemented with 5% heat inactivated FCS. The cultures were maintained in a humidified atmosphere of 95% air and 5% CO 2 at 37°C. Cells were passaged at preconfluent densities by the use of a solution containing 0.05% trypsin and 0.5 mM EDTA and were used between passages 217 and 221.
Cell transfectionmIGFBP-4 cDNA was a gift from Dr. S. Drop (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) and was cloned into the pCI-neo expression vector (Promega, Mannheim, Germany). Before transfection, the empty vector and the construct were controlled by digestion with the enzymes EcoRI, SmaI, HindIII (MBI Fermentas, St. Leon-Rot, Germany) and analyzed on a TAE-gel. In this vector mIGFBP-4 expression is under the control of the CMV promoter,...