A virtual knot is called almost classical if it can be a represented by a homologically trivial knot K in a thickened surface Σ × [0, 1], where Σ is closed and oriented. Then K bounds a Seifert surface F ⊂ Σ × [0, 1]. In this paper, we study such Seifert surfaces up to two equivalence relations: virtual ∂-equivalence and virtual concordance. We will say that F0 ⊂ Σ0 × [0, 1] and F1 ⊂ Σ1 ×[0, 1] are virtually ∂-equivalent if K0 = ∂F0 and K1 = ∂F1 are equivalent as virtual knots. We give a complete set of operations relating any two virtually ∂-equivalent Seifert surfaces. Virtual concordance of Seifert surfaces, defined herein, is closely connected to virtual knot concordance. We study this relation using two generalizations of Levine's algebraic concordance group G F , called the uncoupled algebraic concordance group VG F and the coupled algebraic concordance group (VG, VG) F . Here F is a field of characteristic χ(F) = 2. The two groups are related by a pair of surjections π ± : (VG, VG) F → VG F such that G F embeds into the equalizer of π + and π − . Using the theory of isometric structures, we prove that VG F ∼ = I(F)⊕G F , where I(F) is the fundamental ideal of the Witt ring W(F). Complete invariants of VG F are obtained for F a global field with χ(F) = 0. Examples are calculated in the case that F = Q. For F = Z/2Z, we give a generalization of the Arf invariant.