Magnetic excitations in the triangular-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet (TLHA) CuCrO2 were studied using single-crystal inelastic neutron scattering. A diffusive quasielastic component that persisted without developing a correlation length over a wide temperature range both below and above the ordering temperature was observed. Furthermore, characteristic momentum dependence was observed that was reproduced using minimum spin clusters. The robust spin clusters contrast with conventional magnetic ordering and may be universal in TLHAs.PACS numbers: 75.40.Gb, 75.47.Lx A two-dimensional (2D) triangular-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet (TLHA) is a typical and one of the simplest examples of geometrically frustrated antiferromagnets, in which a novel spin state originating from competing magnetic interactions and low dimensionality is expected. Although the study of this type of system originated with the resonating valence bonds theoretically predicted by Anderson more than four decades ago [1], the realization of this novel state was not confirmed experimentally until recently, and this system still remains of great interest in condensed matter physics. The spin liquid state was first confirmed in the organic S = 1/2 systems, κ-(BEDT-TTF) 2 Cu 2 (CN) 3 [2] and EtMe 3 Sb[Pd(dmit) 2 ] 2 [3, 4], for which the quantum fluctuations of S = 1/2 spins prevent antiferromagnetic spin ordering, even at zero temperature (T ). Furthermore, other novel spin states can be realized in larger S systems with short-range spin correlations. For example, thermodynamic and powder neutron scattering studies of NiGa 2 S 4 revealed that this material shows a low-T disordered state of S = 1 spins with short-range correlations, and this behavior was interpreted as the formation of a spin liquid state [5]. Furthermore, an S = 3/2 system, NaCrO 2 , for which the classical nature of the spins should dominate, shows an unconventional fluctuating crossover regime at finite T below the spin transition temperature T c ∼ 40 K [6]. A powder neutron scattering study showed that the spin correlations induce diffuse quasielastic scattering in this T region [7]. This spin fluctuation is speculated to be an evidence of excitations of Z 2 vortices [8-10], although its origin has not yet been identified.The delafossite oxide CuCrO 2 is a 2D TLHA. This compound is similar to the ordered rock-salt compound NaCrO 2 in that the S = 3/2 spins of the Cr 3+ (3d 3 ) ions form a 2D triangular lattice, and the Cr layers stack in a rhombohedral manner (ABCABC · · ·) [11]. In this compound, 2D spin correlations begin to develop around the Curie-Weiss temperature T CW = 160-200 K [12][13][14][15][16]. Because of finite inter-layer couplings, three-dimensional (3D) ordering of a nearly 120 • structure occurs below T N ∼ 24 K [16][17][18]. However, the magnetic specific heat (C mag ) exhibits a broad shoulder structure in addition to the sharp peak for the 3D spin ordering around T N [19], suggesting the existence of additional spin fluctuations. Although the shar...