Motivated by the classical spin-nematic state observed in the breathing pyrochlore spinel LiGa0.95In0.05Cr4O8, we theoretically discuss spin dynamics in models of spin-lattice coupling in these materials. Semiclassical dynamical simulations successfully recover the key features of inelastic neutron-scattering experiments on LiGa0.95In0.05Cr4O8: a broad finite-energy peak alongside a continuum of scattering near the (200) wave vector that extends from the elastic line to high energies. To interpret this result, we generalize linear-spin-wave theory for conventionally ordered magnets to the disordered spin-ice-like ground states expected for moderate spin-lattice coupling, which reproduces the numerical simulation results quantitatively. In particular, we find that the inelastic peak is well explained by collective modes confined to ferromagnetic loops of the underlying nematic order. In addition, we find a sharp, linearly dispersing mode in the dynamic structure factor, which originates in long-wavelength fluctuations of the nematic director. We believe identifying this mode will be an interesting target for future experiments on these materials. We also outline potential future applications of our methods to both pyrochlore spinels and other spin-nematic systems.
Published by the American Physical Society