BACKGROUND: Transfusion is associated with organ failure and nosocomial infection in trauma patients, which may be mediated by soluble bioactive substances in blood products, including extracellular vesicles (EVs). We hypothesize that removing EVs, by washing or filtering of blood products, reduces organ failure and improves host immune response.T ypically, bleeding trauma patients develop a hypocoagulopathy, referred to as trauma-induced coagulopathy. 1,2 Balanced resuscitation with blood products in ratios similar to whole blood is the mainstay to treat trauma-induced coagulopathy and prevent exsanguination. However, transfusion is associated ABBREVIATIONS: AST = aspartate transaminase; CINC-3 = cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant 3; EVs = extracellular vesicles; FFP = fresh frozen plasma; LPS = lipopolysaccharide; MAP = mean arterial pressure; MOF = multiple organ failure; PLT = platelet; ROTEM = rotational thromboelastometry; SAGM = salineadenine-glucose-mannitol From the