The structure fluctuations of the peptide bond interacting with solvent are examined through the coupling and correlations of the frequency distributions of amide I and amide II transitions. The fluctuations of the two modes are anticorrelated as a result of the solvent-induced changes in the mixing of the dominant valence-bond structures of the peptide. Significant anharmonic coupling of the two modes is seen. The results are the application of a new approach to two-dimensional infrared (2D-IR) spectroscopy in which the pulse sequences used to produce the vibrational echoes incorporate two frequencies. This dual-frequency arrangement greatly extends the capabilities of 2D-IR spectroscopy by allowing the coupling between widely separated modes to be characterized in analogy with heteronuclear NMR. The experiment exposes the cross peaks, representing the mode coupling, free of the interference of the strong diagonal peaks that typically dominate 2D-IR spectroscopy. The alignment and dephasing of coupled transitions, in this example the amide I and amide II transition dipoles, is also determined by these experiments.M ultidimensional IR spectroscopy, in particular 2D-IR spectroscopy, is a powerful new method with which to obtain the time dependence of structural features of complex molecular systems, including peptides and proteins, under ambient conditions in solutions (1-7). Furthermore, the methods allow the determination of key parameters of the anharmonic potential surfaces of peptides and hence provide important tests of theoretical calculations of molecular structure and dynamics (8, 9). These coherent nonlinear IR techniques permit experimental determination of the coupling and angular relations of vibrators by using experimental protocols that are analogous to those developed for NMR. The first such experiments concerned the amide I modes of peptides, which are mainly CAO vibrators (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(10)(11)(12). In such cases all of the relevant frequencies of an interacting ensemble of modes could readily be bracketed by the spectral bandwidth of 120-fs IR laser pulses. The response of such a system to sequences of three pulses, each with the same center frequency in the amide I region, gave rise to coherent signals, the 2D and 3D correlation spectra of which yielded the relevant structural and dynamical information. In a recent advance, 2D-IR spectroscopy experiments incorporating two pulses with different frequencies, one in the NOH and the other in the amide I region of peptides, were successful in measuring the coupling and angular relations between NOH and CAO modes in some simple peptides (13)(14)(15).In this article we report a dual-frequency 2D-IR spectroscopy heterodyned photon-echo experiment. The 2D-IR spectra, which require manipulation of the vibrational coherences by the interaction of short laser pulses with inhomogeneously broadened distributions of transition frequencies, consist of diagonal features and cross peaks. The diagonal peaks are independent properties of each of the anharmonic m...