Summary Present paper deals with the detailed morphological, cytological and cytotaxonomical studies on 3 cytotypes of N hyalina f. hyalina, collected from Mudasarilova tank (Visakhapatnam), Sakhya Sagar dam (Shivpuri) and Tighra dam (Gwalior). The cytological preparations reveal the occurrence of chromosomes counts of n=15, 18 and 21, respectively. Count of 3 chromosomes numbers in 3 different cytotypes clearly established polyploidy in this taxon, if x=3 considered as the ancestral number. It was found that polyploidy is certainly associated with the morphological diversifications. As the chromosome numbers increased certain additional characters appeared, while, with reduction in chromosome numbers these additional characters have not been observed. Key words Cytology, Cytotaxonomy, Nitella hyalina f. hyalina, Chromosome counts, PolyploidyThe tribe Nitelleae of the order Charales (Class Charophyceae) constitute an interesting group of green algae, showing some unique characteristic features like uncorticated plant body, monopodially divided branchlet furcations and lateral oogonia with 10-celled coronula in 2-tiers. Systematics of this group was widely described by Faridi (1956), Wood (1965), Corillion and Guerlesquin (1972), Caceres (1975), Compere (1982), Fu-shan and Hualong (1982), Comelles (1984), Hotchkiss and Imahori (1987), Pundhir et al. (1994) and others. Although large number of species of this group were studied for their cytology by several workers such as Gillet (1959), Sawa (1965), Khan and Sarma (1967a), Kanahori (1971), Mukherjee and Noor (1973), Ray and Chatterjee (1988), Pundhir and Gautam (1993) and Pundhir et al. (1993), very few attempts have been made to analyse them cytosystematically. In the present investigation, detailed cytotaxonomical studies were carried out on 3 cytotypes of Nitella hyalina (DeCandolle) Agardh f. hyalina found at 3 different ploidy level exhibited interesting correlations between cytotaxonomical and morphological characters.
Materials and methodsLiving specimens of Nitella hyalina f. hyalina were collected from Mudasarilova tank (Visakhapatnam), Sakhya Sagar dam (Shivpuri) and Tighra dam (Gwalior), during Dec. 1991 to Jan. 1992. Young growing fertile upper healthy tips were fixed in absolute alcohol glacial acetic acid (3 : 1) for cytological studies. Plants were further preserved in 4% formalin for morphological observations. Identification was made following Wood (1965). Godward's (1948) iron-alum acetocarmine technique was employed for squashing spermatogenous antheridial filaments. Chromosome numbers were determined at metaphase when the chromosomes are found to be highly condensed and well spread. Camera lucida drawings and corresponding photographs were taken from temporary preparations. Slides were made permanent using propionic acid-butanol series and mounted in euperal. Voucher specimens and permanent slides are deposited in