Purpose: To determine whether changes in conjunctival epithelial morphology and the tear film dysfunction in type 2 Diabetes mellitus is related to its metabolic control or duration.
Materials and Methods: A cross sectional clinical study which includes 200 patients of type 2 Diabetes mellitus. The patients demographic details, Conjunctival impression cytology (CIC)which was done using Ultipor Nylon filter paper ,Tear film break up time(TBUT) and Schirmer's test I & II were evaluated.
Results:The percentage of the study population with abnormal changes in conjunctival morphology was 44.4% in those with less than 10 years of duration and 73.9% in those with more than 10 years duration of diabetes mellitus. The association between HbA1C and CIC shows that 34.3% of good control and 66.7% of poor metabolic control had changes in conjunctival epithelial morphology , which is statistically significant. The prevalence of tear film instability was 79% among type 2 Diabetes mellitus. Tear film dysfunction in less than 10 years of diabetes were found as 75% and in 86.1% for more than 10 years .Nearly 70% patients of good metabolic control and 86.3% patients of poor control had tear film instability, which was statistically significant.
Conclusion:Changes in conjunctival morphology was correlating significantly with both increase in duration and poor metabolic control whereas Tear film instability was found to be more significantly associated in patients with poor metabolic control than with its duration.