the root cause of a propagated oscillation in the operation requires
detection of all process variables that are oscillating with similar
frequencies followed by application of an appropriate root cause diagnosis
procedure. Oscillations in chemical processes are usually caused by
controller tuning, valve problems, or external oscillatory disturbances.
There are several methods proposed in literature for root cause diagnosis
of oscillations within the system. However, most of the methodologies
can only work for a specific type of oscillation. For example, the
methodologies based on quantifying the nonlinearity of variables can
help with root cause diagnosis of a valve-induced oscillation but
cannot help if the oscillation actually has occurred due to aggressive
controller tuning or due to an external oscillatory disturbance. Therefore,
before trying to find out which loop within the system has caused
the oscillation, it is important to categorize the oscillation meaning
to learn if the oscillation is caused by a nonlinear valve within
the system, controller tuning or an external disturbance to choose
an appropriate diagnostic procedure. The different characteristics
of these three oscillation types are studied in the literature with
methodologies to distinguish them from each other. However, the proposed
methodologies can work reliably when there is only one oscillatory
component present in the variables and cannot help in cases of multiple
oscillations. Also, nonstationary trends and noise within variables
are yet a challenging issue in detection and diagnosis of oscillations.
This paper presents a comprehensive oscillation detection and characterization
procedure based on wavelet transform. The methodology is capable of
both detection and independent characterization of multiple oscillation
frequencies in variables as well as implementing automatic noise and
nonstationary trend removal algorithms. Advantages of the proposed
method are illustrated through analysis of data sampled from an industrial
process as well as simulations.