Summary:The importance of the association of antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL Abs) with the features of type II diabetes mellitus has not yet been elucidated. The aim of this work was to investigate the association of aPL Abs with adiponectin and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) in type II diabetes mellitus patients without micro and/or macrovascular complications, and to analyze the differences between the male and female patients with regard to the abovementioned parameters. Male patients with type II diabetes mellitus showed a positive correlation between NEFA concentrations and anti-oxLDL antibodies (r=0.334, p=0.019). A weak, but statistically significant correlation between adiponectin concentrations and the IgM isotype of anti-annexin A5 antibodies was found in type II diabetes mellitus patients (r=0.285, p=0.011). The presence of a positive correlation between NEFA and anti-oxLDL antibodies might be useful in the detection of patients with premature atherosclerosis in type II diabetes mellitus patients without any micro and/or macrovascular complications among type II diabetes mellitus patients.
Keywords: antiphospholipid antibodies, adipo nectin, diabetes mellitus type IIKratak sadr`aj: Zna~aj povezanosti antifosfolipidnih antite la (aPL Abs) sa odlikama dijabetesa tip II jo{ nije razja{ njen. Cilj rada bilo je ispitivanje povezanosti aPL Abs sa adiponektinom i neesterifikovanim masnim kiselinama (NEFA) kod pacijenata sa dijabetesom tip II bez mikro i/ili makrovaskularnih komplikacija i analiziranje razlika u navedenim parametrima izme|u mu{karaca i `ena sa dijabetesom. Kod mu{karaca sa dijabetesom tip II pokazana je po zitivna korelacija izme|u koncentracija NEFA i anti-oxLDL antitela (r=0,334, p=0,019). Slaba ali statisti~ki zna~ajna korelacija izme|u koncentracija adiponektina i IgM izotipa anti-aneksin A5 antitela prona|ena je kod pacijenata sa dijabetesom tip II (r=0,285, p=0,011). Pozitivna korelacija izme|u NEFA i anti-oxLDL antitela mogla bi da bude korisna u detekciji pacijenata sa prevremenom aterosklerozom u dijabetesu tip II bez mikro i/ili makrovaskularnih komplikacija.Klju~ne re~i: antifosfolipidna anti te la, adi po nektin, diabetes mellitus tip II