“…Inflammation, oxidative stress, anaerobic conditions, enzymatic activity, bacteria and microbiome populations, and other patho‐mechanisms are known causes of volatolomic alterations (Amann, Miekisch, Pleil, Risby, & Schubert, ; Broza, Mochalski, Ruzsanyi, Amann, & Haick, ; Miekisch, Schubert, & Noeldge‐Schomburg, ). Non‐invasive and easy to perform, the analysis of exhaled breath revealed the presence of dozens of VOCs, detectable in low concentrations, so analysis of the exhaled volatolome has the potential for both disease diagnosis and classification (Amann, Corradi, Mazzone, & Mutti, ; Barash, Peled, Hirsch, & Haick, ; Baumbach et al., ; Hakim et al., ; Karban et al., ; Nakhleh, Amal et al., ; Nakhleh et al. ; Sinues, Zenobi, & Kohler, ; Tisch et al., ).…”